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  • 2021年06月19日
  • 50 金币

A new era of great power competition is underway,with rising Chinese capabilities challengingthe position of the United States across multipledimensions and regions. The contours of thisunfolding relationship will shape the geopolitical environmentregionally and globally over the coming years. Thisreport analyzes US-China competition globally with a particularfocus on these trends and relationships in SoutheastAsia by introducing the Formal Bilateral Influence Capacity(FBIC) Index, a quantitative measure of multidimensional influencebetween pairs of states from 1960 through 2020.1The FBIC Index attempts to capture the size of interactions,as well as the reliance that one country has on othersacross economic, political, and security dimensions.2The combination of these factors is influence capacity orrelational power.

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