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  • 2021年09月05日
  • 50 金币

THE NEW NORMAL IN HONG KONG June 2021 Highlights Ipsos in Hong Kong ABOUT THIS STUDY The Hong Kong New Normal Tracking Study measures changes in consumer behavior across multiple categories, in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Study is in field monthly since April 2020. Additional markets/ questions are available on demand. Market coverage The survey is administered in Hong Kong Timing Fieldwork conducted monthly Sample size 1,000+ interviews, general adult population Pricing & additional data Available on request Key areas of interest include: Demographics Key issues & worries Shopping & Dining Habits Category Spending Lifestyle trends Investment trends Expectations 2 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 COVID IMPACT 3 ‒ © Ipsos HK PEOPLE SLOWLY ADJUSTING TO THE COVID CRISIS PREPARATION ADJUSTMENT ACCLIMATION I am getting ready for possible new restrictions I am reacting dayby-day to the restrictions and establishing new routines I have adapted to the restrictions and settled into new routines OPENING UP It seems restrictions will soon be lifted in Hong Kong RE-START NEW NORMAL POST PANDEMIC I am starting to do some things again that used to be restricted I am doing most of the things I used to do pre-COVID I feel the pandemic is behind me, and I am moving on with life 39 12 11 10 12 7 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Which one of the following phases do you feel best describes your current situation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic? 4 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 TOP CONCERNS ARE BEGINNING TO SHIFT Top Concern 38 The Covid-19 pandemic Hong Kong economy The political situation/ leadership concerns Personal financial concerns Health concerns Social unrest Inequality The environment/ climiate change 17 14 11 4 21 Wave 12/Dec 20 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: There are a number of challenges we may face today. Which of these concern you the most? 5 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 23 20 1165 12 6 3 2 Wave 15/Mar 21 22 20 12 11 6 4 3 Wave 18/Jun 21 COVID IMPACT ON DAY TO DAY LIFE SLOWLY RECEDING 84 72 70 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave18/Jun 21 I take COVID-19 risks into account when I think about where I will go, who I will meet and what I will do today Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Do you agree or disagree with the statement – T2B refers to ‘strongly agree’ & ‘Somewhat agree’ 6 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 CALM/OPTIMISM ON THE RISE, FEAR/BOREDOM DECLINING 51 484746 3637 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave18/Jun 21 11 12 1313 10 8 8 6 4 76 4 28 2324 32 27 28 30 2322 13 10 8 654 33 31 29 29 31 29 27 1819 18 192120 14 11 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Which of these words describe your state of mind right now? Please select at least 3 and up to a maximum of 8 responses. 7 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 EXPECTATIONS OF BUSINESSES REMAIN HIGH 64 61 57 86 76 75 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave18/Jun 21 My employer has made changes in how it operates to prevent the spread Business should be changing their activities in a significant way to reduce of the coronavirus or COVID-19 the spread of the coronavirus or COVID-19 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Do you agree or disagree with the statement – T2B refers to ‘strongly agree’ & ‘Somewhat agree’ 8 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 2 IN 3 STILL WANT CLOSED BORDERS 75 64 65 53 53 37 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave18/Jun 21 41 42 36 We should close the borders of Hong Kong and not allow anyone in or out until the virus is proven to be contained Health services in Hong Kong are well prepared to cope with the impact of the coronavirus Hong Kong government has done a good job of telling people like me about how to prepare for the impact of the coronavirus or COVID-19 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Do you agree or disagree with the statement – T2B refers to ‘strongly agree’ & ‘Somewhat agree’ 9 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 CONSUMPTION TRENDS 10 ‒ © Ipsos SHOPPING TREND – BACK TO THE MALLS Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 60 47 48 44 33 31 24 17 15 64 59 58 I have used mobile payment to avoid unnessary contact I have purchased groceries online I do grab-and-go in nearby shops for urgent refill items I have visited shopping malls Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Have you done any of the following over the past 4 weeks? 11 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 ITEMS PURCHASED - PAST FOUR WEEKS Buy offline Buy online Didn't purchase XX Ever bought 97 66 61 44 28 16 Wine and spirits 54 36 52 18 Beer 75 72 51 62 57 43 51 37 42 38 33 48 29 14 30 20 23 18 20 13 10 RTD drinks Bottled water Canned soup Ready made Frozen food HKD 5000+ (non alcohol) soup per luxury item 69 64 61 54 34 50 36 42 43 32 27 21 30 18 16 12 Organic products Health White goods Small home products/ appliances Supplements Base: Jun ’21: N=1,011; Ref: Have you bought the following products over the past 4 weeks? * Question updated in Feb’21 12 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 LIFESTYLE TRENDS – GOING OUT, MEETING FRIENDS MORE Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 72 68 64 60 62 55 47 41 37 43 45 39 35 28 28 11 12 12 19 15 6 I have used public transportation I have eaten out at a restaurant I have used a streaming service for watching shows, movies or other videos I have socialized with friends and family in person I have downloaded a I have downloaded a I have gone to theater game on my fitness or wellbeing app or to movies smartphone or watched related videos online Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Have you done any of the following over the past 4 weeks? 13 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 FINANCIAL IMPACT 14 ‒ © Ipsos IMPACT ON INCOME PERDURES Financial impact on income since the outbreak of Covid-19 Earn less than before Remains the same as of now but would expect to be reduced No major impact yet 28 30 28 36 35 37 36 35 35 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Is there any financial impact on your income since the outbreak of Covid-19? 15 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 REDUCED LEVEL OF INCOME - BREAKDOWN 41 28 12 10% or below 11-20% 21-30% Base: Apr ‘21: N=642; May ‘21: N=640; Jun ‘21: N=662; (Those who expected to earn less or earn less) Ref: How much do you expect your income will be reduced? / How much your income has been reduced? 16 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 4 31-40% 3 41-50% 12 More than 50% Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 FINANCIAL DECISIONS: CONTINUED ISSUES Financial setbacks & adjustment that experiencing 37 34 31 Delaying or cancelling big purchases 31 30 29 Changing my investments to safer options 26 My working hours have been reduced Using savings to pay bills Delaying plans ot invest I lost my job 23 24 2210 2221 19 18 22 19 18 22 19 18 21 1199 21 18 16 17 16 16 14 14 13 14 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 Wave 12/Dec Wave 13/Jan Wave 14/Feb Wave 15/Mar Wave 16/Apr Wave 17/May Wave 18/Jun 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: As a result of the pandemic, many are experiencing financial setbacks or making financial adjustments. Which, if any, of the following are you currently experiencing or doing? 17 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 INVESTMENT STRATEGY: MORE ACTIVE YET CAUTIOUS Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 32 22 22 24 22 22 19 17 12 14 11 10 12 12 10 11 8 9 28 25 21 I will not invest in anything and keep cash savings only I invested/ plan to I plan to buy protection I plan to move abroad I invested/ plan to I will sell my stocks to invest in stocks during products with savings invest (more) in bonds minimize loss the slump for potential and gold products gains later I will do nothing Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Please indicate how you plan for your investment and saving strategy during current social and economic situation. * Attributes removed in Feb’21; # New attributes added in Feb’21 18 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 EXPECTATIONS 19 ‒ © Ipsos COVID EXPECTATIONS – HK PEOPLE REMAIN WEARY EXPECTATION OF THE END OF VIRUS OUTBREAK EXPECTATION OF HK ECONOMY RECOVERY 2021 59 27 11 2022 47 Beyond 20222 Don't know/ not sure 40 2021 2022 20 18 9 42 Beyond 20222 43 Don't know/ not sure 20 18 20 13 8 20 22 15 20 22 16 20 24 24 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 Wave 12/Dec 20 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: When do you expect the threat of virus outbreak will come to the end? (Q13) / When do you think the Hong Kong economic situation will start to recover? (Q14) Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 20 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 NEXT TRAVEL – MORE DELAYS EXPECTED MAINLAND 16 3 SHORT- HAUL 10 1 LONGHAUL 1 H1 2021 5 H2 2021 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: When do you expect you will be travelling for leisure again? (i) Mainland; (ii) Short-haul; (iii) Long-haul 21 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 16 8 9 24 18 16 22 14 18 H1 2022 H2 2022 Wave 12/Dec 20 Beyond 2022 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 ONLINE AND OFFLINE PURCHASE CHANNEL USAGE IN 2021 Health products/ Supplements Pet related products Digital gadgets/ wearables TV and other audio visual equipment Small home appliances White goods Takeaway food Luxury brand items Fast fashion Cosmetics Skincare products Grocery Buy more from online 26 14 16 14 17 13 33 9 21 15 21 26 Base: Total : N=3,030; Apr‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011 Ref: Please tell us whether you would buy more online or offline in 2021 for the following items as compared to 2020. *New question added in Jan’21 22 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 No difference Buy more in store 52 22 72 14 63 21 63 22 61 22 63 24 39 29 68 23 56 23 62 22 53 26 44 29 THANK APPENDIX 24 ‒ © Ipsos LIKELIHOOD TO VISITING THE VENUES (Q62)* I will visit as soon as possible 9 6 Shatin/Happy Valley Racecourse 8 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ’21: N=1,011; Ref: Please indicate how likely you will be visiting the venue when it is reopen? * New question added in Feb’21 25 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 I will consider to visit in near future 27 I will wait and visit later 64 66 28 27 Wave 16/ Apr 21 65 Wave 17/ May 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 DEGREE OF CONCERN (Q55B) Top 2 Concern (Top 1 + 2) The Covid-19 pandemic 58 Hong Kong economy The political situation/ leadership concerns Personal financial concerns Health concerns 43 Social unrest Inequality The environment/ climiate change 2276 22 14 53 Wave 12/Dec 20 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: There are a number of challenges we may face today. Which of these concern you the most? 26 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 42 39 31 2265 15 78 Wave 15/Mar 21 3399 32 28 23 17 98 Wave 18/Jun 21 LEVEL OF THREAT (Q23) – T2B Hong Kong 66 47 38 Your job or business 33 24 22 Your family 26 23 18 You personally 27 22 16 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: What level of threat do you think the coronavirus or COVID-19 poses to each of the following? – T2B refers to ‘Very high threat’ & ‘High threat’ 27 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 LEVEL OF TRUST ON SOURCE OF INFORMATION(Q24) – T2B Local health authorities Scientists World Health Organisation Hong Kong government websites Hong Kong government TV news Other Social media YouTube Twitter 11 11 9 19 17 17 16 15 17 45 50 47 37 40 40 36 35 35 31 36 34 40 41 41 58 60 56 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: To what degree do you trust each of the following to deliver information on the Coronavirus? – T2B refers to ‘Completely trust’ & ‘Mostly trust’ 28 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 CHANGE IN PRODUCT PURCHASED IN P4W (MAY VS JUN) (Q5*) 6 4 3 4 2 3 2 2 1 -1 0 0 -01 -1 -1 -011 1 1 0 -2 -2 -3 -3 -2 -3 -3 -2 -3 -4 -4 -3 -3 Wine and spirits Beer RTD drinks Bottled water Canned Ready made Frozen food HKD 5000+ Organic Health White goods Small home (non alcohol) soup soup per luxury products products/ appliances item Supplements Base: May ‘21: N=1,008 ; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Have you bought the following products over the past 4 weeks? * Question updated in Feb’21 29 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 Buy online Buy offline Didn't purchase CHANNELS USED TO SEARCH PRODUCT INFORMATION AND PURCHASE PRODUCTS IN APR-JUN 2021*(Q52) Wave 16 - Purchased Product Wave 17 - Purchased Product 50 Wave 18 - Purchased Product 48 50 51 47 Wave 16 - Searched Info Wave 17- Searched Info Wave 18 - Searched Info 38 37 32 27 14 14 13 15 15 13 48 41 37 38 35 31 20 21 19 998 Online reviews Social media In-store/ TV physical store Other online Daigou Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Have you searched product information or purchased products from the following channels more often over the past 4 weeks? * Attributes revised in Jan’21 30 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 Streaming KOL/ celebrity's Multi-brand Brand official platforms social media online stores online store FREQUENCY OF USING ONLINE FOOD DELIVERY (Q58) The change of frequency after the C-19 ends vs during C-19 outbreak Same as the outbreak period Less than the outbreak period More than the outbreak period 31 31 34 50 40 34 32 29 19 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 Base: Apr ‘21: N=341; May ‘21: N=347; Jun ‘21: N=377; (Those who have used food delivery service via online) Ref: Please indicate what changes will you make in food delivery service usage AFTER the Coronavirus/Covid-19 ends compared with the period during Coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak… 31 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 VIRTUAL BANKING AWARENESS, CONSIDERATION, & USAGE (Q48,Q49&Q50/60*) 81 83 84 Virtual Bank Awareness Virtual Bank Consideration Virtual Bank Usage 49 44 37 24 25 Wave 12/Dec 20 Wave 15/Mar 21 Wave 18/Jun 21 Base: Apr ‘21: N=1,010; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Have you heard of virtual banking before? (Q48) / Have you considered opening an account with any virtual bank in Hong Kong? (Q49) / Do you have virtual banking account? (Q50) / Which virtual banking accounts do you have? (Q60) * Q50 is added in Jan’21, and is replaced with Q60 in Feb’21 – Respondents who own any VB account are considered as VB users 32 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 VIRTUAL BANKING ACCOUNT OWNERSHIP (Q60) 60 59 56 Wave 16/Apr 21 Wave 17/May 21 Wave18/Jun 21 35 31 26 36 35 30 37 34 32 38 32 33 24 22 21 20 16 14 887 ZA Bank Fusion Welab Bank MOX Bank Livi bank Airstar Bank Ant Bank Ping An Oneconnect Bank Base: Apr‘21: N=284; May ‘21: N=309; Jun ’21: N= 280 Ref: Which virtual banking accounts do you have? (Q60) 33 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 PROFILE OF RESPONDENTS GENDER (S2) Male Female 54 AGE (S1) 18 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60+ 13 10 7 46 28 20 21 Base: Total : N=3,029; Apr ’21 : N=1,010 ; May ‘21: N=1,008; June ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Gender / Your age / What is your monthly household income before tax? 34 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 MHI (S3) Below HKD 30,000 HKD 30,000 - HKD 59,999 HKD 60,000 or above 5 5 32 PROFILE OF RESPONDENTS WORKING STATUS (S4) Working Non-Working 17 83 OCCUPATION (S5) Nett: Professionals / Executives / Management personnel Professionals Executives Management personnel White-collar 5 15 9 Blue-collar Others 11 46 40 19 Base: Total : N=3,029; Apr ’21 : N=1,010 ; May ‘21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011; Ref: Which of the following best describes your current working status? (S4) 35 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 Base: Total : N=2,626; Apr ’21 : N=871 ; May ‘21: N=882; Jun ‘21: N=873; (Those who are working) Ref: Which of the following best describes your occupation? (S5) NEW QUESTIONS (WAVE 18) 36 ‒ © Ipsos INCIDENCE OF VACCINATION (D6) I don't know/I haven't decided yet I have no plan to get vaccinated I haven't get vaccinated yet but I plan to get vaccinated in the next 3 months I have already get vaccinated Base: Total: N=2,019; May ’21: N=1,008; Jun ‘21: N=1,011 Ref: Incidence of vaccination (D6) 37 ‒ © Ipsos | The New Normal In Hong Kong – June 2021 21 35 25 19 Wave 17/May 21 18 26 26 30 Wave 18/Jun 21

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