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Palgrave Macmillan:中美关系——全球化与美国霸权的衰落【英文版】

  • 2021年09月10日
  • 50 金币

导言列出了本书的主要论点和介绍顺序。与利奥·帕尼奇(Leo Panitch)和贾斯汀·罗森伯格(Justin Rosenberg)等学者支持的某些立场相反,该书认为中国在全球政治经济中的崛起是以下因素的复杂结果:(a)新自由主义金融治国之道的全球美国计划,由于实体经济部门的侵蚀和劳动生产率的损失,造成了不可持续的金融增长水平和脆弱性债务脆弱性就是这样一个例子;(b)中国独特的国内经济发展道路,这是20世纪80年代以来西方资本渗透的结果,也是中国政府在政治和经济上相对自主的结果,以引导美国的全球项目和私人企业发挥自身优势。

Abstract The introduction lays out the key arguments of the book and the presentation order. Against certain positions supported by such scholars as Leo Panitch and Justin Rosenberg, the book argues that China’s rise in global political economy is the complex result of: (a) the global American project of neo-liberal financial statecraft, which created unsustainable levels of financial growth and vulnerability due to the erosion of the real economic sector and loss of labour productivity—debt vulnerability is one such instance; and (b) China’s distinct path of domestic economic development, which is the result of western capital penetration since the 1980s and the relative, both political and economic, autonomy of the Chinese state to steer America’s global project and private enterprise to its own advantage.

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